
Privacy Policy


To make it easier for you to understand and navigate through this document, we have explained below some of the terms we use most often:
  1. Application - Doctor.One Patient application and Doctor.One.Physician application.
  2. Doctor.One Physician mobile app - "Doctor.One Physician" mobile app, available for download on Google Play and Apple App Store;
  3. Doctor.One Patient mobile app - "Doctor.One Patient" mobile app, available for download on Google Play and Apple App Store;
  4. Referrals - medical practitioners who have been recommended for potential cooperation with Doctor One by means of a form available on the Website or whose data we have obtained from publicly available records or registries relating to their medical practice;
  5. Invited Persons - persons who receive an invitation from a Doctor One Specialist or Specialist via SMS to use the free functionalities of the Doctor.One Patient Application;
  6. Patients - persons receiving healthcare services provided by Doctor One Specialists, in particular through the Application;
  7. Policy - the document you are just reading, that is Doctor One's Privacy Policy;
  8. RODO - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC;
  9. Service - the website operated by Doctor One at the following address
  10. Specialist - a medical professional, including, in particular, a doctor, pharmacist, physiotherapist, nurse, midwife, nutritionist or psychologist, who is registered in the Application and communicates with Users using it, excluding Doctor One Specialists;
  11. Doctor One Specialist - a medical professional, including but not limited to a physician, pharmacist, physiotherapist, nurse, midwife, dietician or psychologist, who collectively meets the following conditions: (i) works with Doctor One on the basis of the Terms and Conditions of Doctor One, and (ii) at least one Patient has a Plan of Care purchased from him/her, and (iii) provides health care services on behalf of a Doctor One medical entity to Patients who have an active Plan of Care purchased from that Specialist, under the terms of the Terms and Conditions of Doctor One;
  12. User - a person who uses the services provided electronically by Doctor One, consisting of providing Doctor.One Patient application.
Doctor One provides services through the Doctor.One Physician Application in the territory of the Republic of Poland.

Who are we and whose data do we process?

Data controller:
  1. visitors and users of the Website;
  2. people who follow Doctor One's Facebook profile and interact with them;
  3. persons who contact Doctor One via e-mail, telephone, contact form on the Website or other available communication channels;
  4. Patients;
  5. Doctor One employee candidates;
  6. Specialists;
  7. Doctor One Specialists;
  8. our business partners (advisors or consultants, contractors and service providers to Doctor One);
  9. subscribers to our newsletter;
  10. Users;
  11. Referrals;
  12. Invited Persons.
is Doctor One Polska limited liability company with headquarters in Bieniewice (05-870), 11 Poziomkowa Street, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XIV Business Department of the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000989484, with NIP number: 1182246930 and share capital in the amount of PLN 5,000. Doctor One is a medical entity registered in the Register of Entities Performing Medical Activities kept by the Mazovian Governor - registration book number: 000000254837 (hereinafter referred to as "Doctor One", "we", "our", "us").
We have appointed a Data Protection Supervisor, who is Jedrzej Stępniowski. For all inquiries, requests and complaints regarding the processing of personal data by Doctor One, please send an e-mail to: or in writing to our mailing address: Doctor One Polska Sp. z o.o., CIC Warsaw, 73 Chmielna St., 00-801 Warsaw,, marked "RODO".

When and how do we obtain your data?

We obtain your personal information directly from you when:
  1. you are browsing Service;
  2. You follow and interact with our channels on social networks;
  3. you contact us via email, phone, contact form on the Website or other available communication channels;
  4. you use the health services we provide through our Doctor.One Patient Application;
  5. You are responding to job offers at Doctor One;
  6. as a doctor, pharmacist, physiotherapist, midwife or psychologist, you register in the Application and communicate with Users using it;
  7. you cooperate with Doctor One on the basis of Doctor One's Terms and Conditions, and provide health care services to Patients on behalf of Doctor One's medical entity under the terms of Doctor One's Terms and Conditions;
  8. you contact us in the course of business cooperation, consulting or advisory services, performing and providing services to us, or enter into an agreement with us in connection with the provision of such services;
  9. you subscribe to our newsletter;
  10. you are using the services provided electronically by Doctor One to provide the Doctor.One Patient Application.
We obtain your personal data from third parties when:
  1. we receive your medical records from the medical entity from which we have taken over tasks in connection with the cessation of its medical activities, i.e. Doctor One Ltd;
  2. other health care providers transfer your medical records or your health data to us in order to ensure the continuity of health care services;
  3. we receive your data from your actual or legal guardian, who registers you in the Doctor.One Patient Application;
  4. Doctor One Specialist or Specialist, sends you an invitation to use the Doctor.One Patient Application;
  5. we receive a contact for you from our employees or associates, under a referral system;
  6. we receive your personal information from our contractor when you act as its representative in entering into a contract with Doctor One or when you are a contact person designated by our contractor in a contract entered into with Doctor One;
  7. you are in the medical profession and your patient, client or other person recommends you via a form available on the Service for potential cooperation with Doctor One or we find your data in publicly available records or registers regarding your professional practice.

For what purpose and on what basis do we process your personal data?

We process personal data for the following purposes:
  1. Persons visiting and using the Website:
    1. Ensuring proper technical operation of the Service (Article 6(1)(f) of the RODO);
    2. Profiling for the purpose of analyzing statistics on the use of the Service (Article 6(1)(f) of the RODO).
Providing your personal information is necessary to use the Service.
  1. people who follow and interact with Doctor One's profiles on Facebook and LinkedIn:
    1. To inform you about the services we provide and to build a positive image of Doctor One (Article 6(1)(f) of the DPA);
    2. Responding to inquiries and comments received via social networks (Article 6(1)(f) RODO);
    3. Implementation of health promotion tasks (Article 6(1)(f) RODO).
Due to the way the social networks we use work, providing your personal information is necessary to observe our profiles and respond to your inquiries and comments through these media.
  1. persons who contact Doctor One via e-mail, telephone, contact form on our Service or other available communication channels:
    1. Responding to inquiries received (Article 6(1)(f) RODO).
Providing your personal information is necessary to respond to your inquiries.
  1. Patients:
    1. provision of services of a paid nature, through the Doctor.One Patient Application, in accordance with the rules set forth in the Law on Medical Activity, the Law on Patient Rights and Patient Ombudsman, and the Law on Provision of Electronic Services (Article 9(2)(h) of the RODO in connection with the provisions of the aforementioned laws);
    2. Fulfillment of legal obligations under tax law and accounting regulations related to proper settlement and posting of payments for services purchased from Doctor Onel (Article 6(1)(c) of the DPA in connection with tax law and accounting regulations);
    3. storage of medical records, in accordance with the rules set forth in Chapter 7 of the Law on Patients' Rights and Patients' Ombudsman (Article 9(2)(h) of the RODO in conjunction with the provisions of the Law on Patients' Rights and Patients' Ombudsman);
    4. Managing the quality of the services we provide by surveying your level of satisfaction through the feedback you provide on the Doctor.One Patient Application or the Service to our medical staff (Article 9(2)(h) and Article 6(1)(f) of the RODO);
    5. to improve the Application and Doctor One services, and we do not use health data for this purpose (Article 6(1)(f) of the DPA).
Providing your personal data is necessary for providing you with health services and for us to fulfill our legal obligation to keep your medical records. Giving an opinion to our medical staff is voluntary.
  1. Doctor One employee candidates:
    1. To carry out the recruitment process and assess your abilities, competencies and suitability for the position for which you are applying (Article 6(1)(b) of the DPA and Article 6(1)(a) of the DPA);
    2. storing documentation related to your job application for future recruitment processes - if you agree (Article 6(1)(a) of the DPA);
    3. Fulfillment of legal obligations that arise from the provisions of the Labor Code and other provisions of Polish labor law (Article 6(1)(c) of the RODO).
To the extent specified in the provisions of the Labor Code (Article 221), your provision of personal data is necessary for the recruitment process. In the remaining scope, providing data is voluntary and is not a condition for taking part in the recruitment process. If you do not want us to process your personal data to a greater extent than specified in the Labor Code regulations, simply do not include it in your application.
  1. Specialists:
    1. Performance of a contract for the provision of electronic services, consisting in particular in enabling access to the Doctor One.Doctor Application (Article 6(1)(b) of the DPA);
    2. Fulfillment of Doctor One's legal obligations in connection with the performance of the contract for the provision of electronic services (Article 6(1)(c) of the RODO);
    3. To enable us to defend ourselves against possible claims or to pursue possible claims (Article 6(1)(f) RODO);
Providing personal data is necessary to conclude a contract with us for the provision of electronic services. Failure to provide them will prevent you from using the Application.
  1. Doctor One Specialists:
    1. Performance of a contract for the provision of electronic services, consisting in particular in enabling access to the Doctor One.Doctor Application (Article 6(1)(b) of the DPA);
    2. Fulfillment of Doctor One's legal obligations in connection with the performance of the contract for the provision of electronic services (Article 6(1)(c) of the RODO);
    3. performance of the contract between Doctor One Specialist and Doctor One as a result of Doctor One Specialist's acceptance of Doctor One's Terms and Conditions (Article 6(1)(b) of the DPA);
    4. Fulfillment of legal obligations related to the proper settlement and accounting of the contract entered into as a result of the Doctor One Specialist's acceptance of the Doctor One Terms and Conditions, which arise, among other things, from tax law and accounting regulations (Article 6(1)(c) of the DPA);
    5. Fulfillment of Doctor One's legal obligations related to the conduct of medical activities, which arise in particular from the provisions of the Act on Medical Activities, the Act on Patients' Rights and Patients' Ombudsman and the provisions on medical record keeping (Article 6(1)(c) of the RODO);
    6. To enable us to defend ourselves against possible claims or to pursue possible claims (Article 6(1)(f) RODO).
Providing your personal information is necessary to enter into and perform the Agreement with Doctor One.
  1. our business partners (advisors or consultants, contractors and service providers to Doctor One):
    1. when you are directly party to a contract concluded with Doctor One: conclusion and performance of the contract (Article 6(1)(b) RODO) and fulfillment of Doctor One's legal obligations related to the conclusion of the contract and cooperation (among others, resulting from the provisions of the Social Security Act and tax law) (Article 6(1)(c) RODO);
    2. when you act as a representative of our contracting party - a legal entity - when concluding a contract: proper identification of the other party as a contracting party and conclusion of the contract with the entity on whose behalf you are acting (Article 6(1)(f) RODO) and ongoing contact regarding the services provided and cooperation between the other contracting party and Doctor One (Article 6(1)(f) RODO);
    3. when you are a contact person designated by our contractor in a contract: ongoing contact regarding the services provided and cooperation between the other party to the contract and Doctor One (Article 6(1)(f) RODO).
If you are a party to a contract with Doctor One, your provision of personal data is a statutory requirement or is necessary to enter into a contract with Doctor One.
  1. subscribers to our newsletter):
    1. To inform you about the services we provide and to build a positive image of Doctor One (Article 6(1)(f) of the DPA);
    2. Direct marketing of Doctor One's services (Article 6(1)(f) RODO);
    3. Implementation of health promotion tasks (Article 6(1)(f) RODO).
Providing your personal data is necessary to realize the subscription to our newsletter.
  1. Users:
    1. Performance of a contract for the provision of electronic services, consisting in particular in enabling access to the Doctor One.Patient Application (Article 6(1)(b) of the DPA);
    2. To enable us to defend ourselves against possible claims or to pursue possible claims (Article 6(1)(f) RODO);
    3. Continuous improvement of the Doctor One.Patient Application (Article 6(1)(f) of the RODO).
Providing your personal data is necessary to enter into an agreement with us for the provision of electronic services. Failure to provide them will prevent you from using the Application.
  1. Referrals:
    1. To make you an offer of employment or cooperation with Doctor One (Article 6(1)(f) RODO);
    2. storing information about your objection to the processing of your data for the purpose of our legitimate interest in making you an offer of employment or undertaking cooperation with Doctor One (Article 6(1)(f) RODO).
Providing your personal data is necessary to pursue our legitimate interest in making you an offer of employment or entering into cooperation with Doctor One.
  1. Persons Invited:
    1. To enable your doctor to send you an invitation to use the Doctor.One Patient Application (Article 6(1)(f) of the DPA);
    2. To enable the download of the Doctor.One Patient Application (Article 6(1)(f) RODO).
Providing your personal data is necessary to pursue our legitimate interest in enabling you to contact a Doctor One Specialist or Specialist through the Doctor.One Patient Application.
  1. visitors and users of the website
    1. We process: IP address, data stored in cookies;
  2. persons who contact Doctor One via e-mail, telephone, contact form on the Website or other available communication channels
    1. We process: your name, email address, phone number or other information you voluntarily provide to us;
  3. Patients
    1. We process: health-related data, the collection and storage of which in medical records is necessary for the provision of health services and required under the provisions of Polish law defining the scope of information collected in medical records, analytical data about the source of downloading the Doctor.One Patient Application, as well as data necessary to make and settle payments for purchased services;
  4. Doctor One employee candidates
    1. We process: your name, e-mail address, telephone number, information about your education, qualifications and previous employment, and other information that is mandatory under Polish law or that you voluntarily provide to us;
  5. Specialists
    1. We process: first and last name, home address, email address, PESEL or NIP phone number, photo, office address, information related to your business (if applicable), information related to your practice such as your license number, information on specialization and academic titles held;
  6. Doctor One Specialists
    1. We process: first and last name, home address, email address, PESEL or NIP phone number, photo, office address, information related to your business (if applicable), information related to your practice such as your license number, information on specialization and academic titles held;
  7. our business partners (advisors or consultants, contractors and service providers to Doctor One)
    1. We process: name, position, business email address and phone number, and in the case of sole proprietorship partners, also the taxpayer identification number;
  8. subscribers to our newsletter
    1. We process: name, email address.
  9. Users:
    1. We process: first name, last name, e-mail address, telephone number, health data whose collection and storage in the Application is necessary for the performance of obligations under the contract for the provision of electronic services, analytical data about the source of download of the Doctor.One Patient Application
  10. Referrals:
    1. We process: first and last name, information about specialty and place of service, email address, phone number.
  11. Invited Persons:
    1. we process: phone number.

How long do we keep personal information?

Below you will learn how long we keep the acquired personal data, depending on the subjects and categories of data processed:
  1. Persons visiting and using the Website:
    1. We store information about your IP address for as long as it is archived in the logs of the server on which our website is hosted;
    2. We store the information contained in cookies in accordance with the retention periods contained in the table, located in the COOKIES section of the Policy.
  2. people who follow and interact with Doctor One's profiles on Facebook and LinkedIn:
    1. we store the data necessary to observe our social media profiles and respond to your inquiries through these media for as long as you remain an observer of our profiles or interact with them, with your interactions such as comments or likes remaining visible even after you stop observing our profiles, as long as you do not revoke or delete them.
  3. persons who contact Doctor One via e-mail, telephone, contact form on the Website or and other available communication channels:
    1. we keep the data necessary to respond to your inquiries for as long as it is necessary to resolve your case or as long as required by the statute of limitations for claims;
    2. In addition, we keep the personal data we need to defend or assert claims for as long as the legal statute of limitations requires.
  4. Patients:
    1. We store the personal data collected in your medical records, including your opinions on the services provided, in accordance with the rules defining the period of retention of medical records, which are indicated in the Law on Patients' Rights and the Ombudsman for Patients' Rights;
    2. We process personal data obtained in connection with the payment for purchased services for the period specified in the provisions of Polish law for the retention of tax and accounting records.
  5. Doctor One employee candidates:
    1. if you do not consent to the processing of your personal data contained in the recruitment documents for the purposes of future recruitment, we will delete such data immediately after the recruitment for the position for which you are applying, but in no case later than within 6 months from the date you apply for a job at Doctor One;
    2. if you consent to the processing of your personal data contained in the recruitment documents for the purposes of future recruitment, we keep this data until you withdraw your consent, but no longer than for 2 years after the end of the recruitment.
  6. Specialists:
    1. We process the information you enter into the Doctor.One Patient Application until you delete your account.
  7. Doctor.One specialists:
    1. we process your personal data throughout the term of the Agreement, and after its termination: (i) with respect to data related to the proper settlement and accounting of the Agreement, for the period specified in the tax law and accounting regulations for the retention of tax and accounting records; (ii) with respect to data necessary to fulfill legal obligations related to the conduct of medical activities, for the period specified in the law for the retention of medical records.
  8. our business partners (advisors or consultants, contractors and service providers to Doctor One):
    1. we process your personal data for the entire period of performance of the contract entered into directly with you or the entity you represent or for which you are the contact person, and after its completion, additionally for the period specified in the tax law and accounting regulations for the retention of tax and accounting records.
  9. subscribers to our newsletter:
    1. We keep the data necessary to carry out the newsletter subscription until you withdraw your consent to receive it.
  10. Users:
    1. We process the information you enter into the Doctor.One Patient Application until you delete your account.
  11. Referrals:
    1. information necessary for us to make you an offer of employment or to enter into cooperation with Doctor One, we process until you object to our legitimate interest;
    2. We process information about your objection for a period of 5 years.
  12. Persons Invited:
    1. information necessary to invite you to use the Doctor.One Patient Application we process until you object to our legitimate interest.

To whom may we disclose your personal information?

Below is a list of entities to which we may disclose your personal information:
  1. Persons visiting and using the Website; Application Users:
    1. provider of medical entity management services, i.e. Doctor One Ltd;
    2. providers of IT services and systems, including analytics services and tools that we use to run the Service or maintain the Application and analyze its usage statistics;
    3. legal advisors and consultants serving Doctor One to the extent that disclosure is necessary to use their services.
  2. people who follow and interact with Doctor One's profiles on Facebook and LinkedIn:
    1. provider of medical entity management services, i.e. Doctor One Ltd;
    2. social network operators;
    3. entities to which we outsource the maintenance of our profiles on social networks;
    4. providers of IT services and systems that we use to maintain profiles on social networks;
    5. legal advisors and consultants serving Doctor One to the extent that disclosure is necessary to use their services.
  3. persons who contact Doctor One via e-mail, telephone, contact form on our Service or and other available communication channels:
    1. provider of medical entity management services, i.e. Doctor One Ltd;
    2. email operators;
    3. postal operators and couriers;
    4. Providers of IT services and systems that we use to use email and the Service;
    5. legal advisors and consultants serving Doctor One to the extent that disclosure is necessary to use their services.
  4. Patients:
    1. Provider of Doctor.One Patient Application and management services to the medical entity t.i.e. Doctor One Ltd;
    2. Entities entitled to access to medical records under the provisions of the Law on Patients' Rights and Patients' Ombudsman;
    3. our subcontractors and other entities involved in the healthcare delivery process, including medical diagnostic providers, hospitals or emergency medical teams;
    4. providers of IT services and systems, including analytics services and tools that we use to operate and maintain the Application and Service and analyze their usage statistics;
    5. payment operators - for information related to payment for services purchased from Doctor One;
    6. legal advisors and consultants serving Doctor One to the extent that disclosure is necessary to use their services.
  5. Doctor One employee candidates:
    1. A provider of recruitment and/or treatment entity management services, including Doctor One Ltd;
    2. providers of IT services and systems that we use to manage our recruitment processes;
    3. legal advisors and consultants serving Doctor One to the extent that disclosure is necessary to use their services.
  6. Specialists:
    1. Provider of Doctor.One Physician Application and medical entity management services t.e. Doctor One Ltd;
    2. entities that provide Doctor One with business support services (e.g., IT services);
    3. legal advisors and consultants serving Doctor One to the extent that disclosure is necessary to use their services.
  7. Doctor.One specialists:
    1. Members of Doctor One's staff involved in the execution of the Agreement,
    2. entities that provide business support services to Doctor One (e.g., accounting, legal and consulting services, IT services).
  8. our business partners (advisors or consultants, contractors and service providers to Doctor One, physicians):
    1. provider of medical entity management services, i.e. Doctor One Ltd;
    2. entities providing accounting and bookkeeping services to Doctor One;
    3. providers of IT services and systems that we use to manage within the Doctor One organizational structure;
    4. legal advisors and consultants serving Doctor One to the extent that disclosure is necessary to use their services.
  9. subscribers to our newsletter:
    1. provider of medical entity management services, i.e. Doctor One Ltd;
    2. providers of IT services and systems that we use to send the newsletter.
  10. Users:
    1. Provider of Doctor.One Patient Application and management services to the medical entity t.i.e. Doctor One Ltd;
    2. entities that provide Doctor One with business support services (e.g., IT services).
    3. legal advisors and consultants serving Doctor One to the extent that disclosure is necessary to use their services.
  11. Referrals:
    1. provider of medical entity management services, i.e. Doctor One Ltd;
    2. providers of IT services and systems that we use to operate the contact form on the Website or Doctor.One Physician Application and the databases in which we collect Physician data.
  12. Persons Invited:
    1. provider of medical entity management services, i.e. Doctor one Ltd;
    2. providers of IT services and systems that we use to operate the SMS gateway and the databases in which we collect contact information.

Transfer of personal data to third countries (outside the European Economic Area)

As we use the services of Google Operations Ireland Limited (Google Workspace) and Strikingly, your personal data may be transferred by these entities outside the European Economic Area on the basis of standard contractual clauses (Article 46(2)(c) RODO). Any questions regarding the transfer of data outside the EEA should be addressed directly to these entities.
For more information, click here:

Your rights

In connection with our processing of your personal data, you have the right to:
  1. Request access to and rectification of your personal data
At any time you have the right to access information about you and to have it corrected if it is incorrect.
  1. deletion of the personal data we hold about you and the right to restrict its processing
Upon your request, we will delete data collected about you once the purpose for which the data was collected has been fulfilled. You have the right at any time to request that we delete data about you or restrict its processing.
Remember, however, that we must keep your personal data collected in connection with your use of medical services, processed as part of your medical records, for the period specified in the provisions of the Law on Patients' Rights and Patients' Ombudsman. During this period, we will not be able to fulfill your request to delete the data.
  1. data portability
To the extent that personal data is processed by automated means for the performance of a contract (Article 6(1)(b) of the DPA) or on the basis of your consent (Article 6(1)(a) of the DPA, Article 9(2)(a) of the DPA), you have the right to receive from us personal data concerning you in a structured, commonly used machine-readable format, and you have the right to send this personal data to another controller without hindrance from us.
  1. object to the processing of your data
To the extent that your personal data is processed for the legitimate interests of Doctor One (Article 6(1)(f) RODO), you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data.
  1. lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority
If you believe that our processing of your personal data violates applicable data protection laws, you have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority, i.e. the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection in Warsaw.
  1. withdraw consent to the processing of personal data
If we process personal data on the basis of your consent, you have the right to withdraw the consent you have given at any time, which does not affect the compatibility of the processing carried out on the basis of this consent before its withdrawal.
If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact us via email, at the Data Protection Officer's address: or in writing to our mailing address: Doctor One Polska Sp. z o.o., The Warsaw Hub, Rondo Daszyńskiego 2B, 00-843 Warsaw, marked "RODO".

Automated decision-making

We do not use any information provided by you for automated decision-making purposes.

Analytical and marketing tools

We and our business partners employ various solutions and tools used for analytics and marketing purposes. Below you will find basic information about these tools along with an indication of our platform (Service or Application) where we use them. For detailed information in this regard, please refer to the privacy policies of each partner.
google ads
The Website uses Google Ads. This is a tool that allows us to measure the effectiveness of Doctor One's outreach and marketing campaigns, allowing for analytics such as keywords and number of unique users. The Google Ads platform also allows our messages to be displayed to people who have visited the Service in the past. You can find information about Google's data processing for the above service here.
google analytics
We use Google Analytics on the Service and the Application. Google Analytics cookies are cookies used by Google to analyze the use of the Website and the Application and to create statistics and reports on the operation of the Website and the Application. Google does not use the collected data to identify you, nor does it combine this information to enable identification. Detailed information on the scope and principles of data collection in connection with this service can be found here.
On the Website we use Hotjar. This is a tool that allows us to monitor user traffic on the website: to create a map of clicks on this basis and to analyze the path along which users move. Detailed information about the scope and principles of data collection in connection with this service can be found here.

Social media

We process the personal data of users who follow and interact with Doctor One's profiles on social networks Facebook and LinkedIn. You can find detailed information about the processing of data by each portal at the links below:


We use cookie ("cookie") and similar technologies (e.g. pixel tags) on the Service.
Cookies are small packets of information stored on end devices, usually containing the address of the service, the date of placement, the expiration date, a unique number and additional information consistent with the purpose of the file.
The cookies we use can be divided into 2 categories:
  1. necessary and functional files, the use of which is required for the proper operation of our Service;
  2. Statistical and analytical files that allow us to understand how users behave on the Service through aggregated and anonymous statistical information.
The table below describes in detail the statistical and analytical cookies we use on the Service:
Type and purpose
Storage time
Necessary - These are cookies necessary for the proper functioning and security of the Website.
browser session duration
Necessary - These are cookies necessary for the proper functioning and security of the Website.
cookielawinfo-checkbox -advertisement
cookielawinfo-checkbox -advertisement
Necessary - These are cookies necessary for the proper functioning and security of the Website.
cookielawinfo-checkbox -analytics
1 year
Necessary - These are cookies necessary for the proper functioning and security of the Website.
cookielawinfo-checkbox -functional
1 year
Necessary - These are cookies necessary for the proper functioning and security of the Website.
cookielawinfo-checkbox -necessary
1 year
Necessary - These are cookies necessary for the proper functioning and security of the Website.
cookielawinfo-checkbox -others
1 year
Necessary - These are cookies necessary for the proper functioning and security of the Website.
cookielawinfo-checkbox -performance
1 year
Necessary - These are cookies necessary for the proper functioning and security of the Website.
1 year
Functional - These are cookies that help perform certain functions, such as sharing the Service's content on social media platforms, collecting feedback and other third-party functions.
30 minutes
1 year
2 years
2 years
Other - These are cookies not assigned to any of the above categories.
crisp-clientsession8cde 357e-47a6-48be-9795 -525769b936b3
6 months
You can disable the storage of cookies directly on the device you use to connect to our Service, according to the instructions of your browser manufacturer:
You can find information on how to configure and delete cookies in other web browsers on their manufacturers' websites.

Privacy policy changes

The provisions of the Policy may consist of improvements and changes, and the latest versions of the Policy will be published on our Service each time and will be dated as of the last update.
The policy as it stands is effective as of August 1, 2023.
We use cookies to provide you with the best possible service. You can change the cookie access settings on your browser. For more information, see privacy policy.