A woman sits with her two children, browsing something on a tablet. Messages are superimposed on the image: 'Good morning Ms. Anna, is your daughter feeling better today? Did the inhalations help?" and "Good morning doctor. Basia has a strong cough again in the evening. How can I help her?", and details of the prescription are also visible.
medical communicator

Direct contact with a doctor who knows you

Padlock icon
Doctor.One Poland is a registered medical entity
with KRS number 000000254837
A woman sits with her two children, browsing something on a tablet. Messages are superimposed on the image: 'Good morning Ms. Anna, is your daughter feeling better today? Did the inhalations help?" and "Good morning doctor. Basia has a strong cough again in the evening. How can I help her?", and details of the prescription are also visible.




Patients use Doctor.One

A hand holding a smartphone, the screen of which displays messages from doctor Karol Witkowski: 'Good morning, how is Agnes today?", "Good morning Doctor, better. The prescribed medicines are working. and 'I am very happy. Please check back in 2 days and we'll see if a visit is necessary.




Patients use Doctor.One




Patients recommend this method of contact

trusted by
what is doctor.one?

Your doctor available for you not only at your appointment

Doctor.One is a medical app that puts you in direct contact with your doctor outside the office, whenever you need it.

An icon showing silhouettes of people crossed with a line, symbolizing the absence of queues.

No queues

An icon depicting an old telephone, crossed out with a line, symbolizing the lack of phone calls.

No appointments

An icon showing an address book, crossed out with a line, symbolizing the lack of reception.

No reception

doctor.One in practice

Medical Whatsapp with your doctor

A screenshot of an in-app conversation between a patient and doctor Karol Witkowski. The patient asks about the dosage of cough syrup: 'Good morning Doctor, should I take this cough syrup 2 or 3 times a day?" and the doctor replies: 'Please take 2 times a day until 4pm.' At the end, the patient thanks him, adding a smiling emoticon.

You write whenever you need

Do you have questions after a visit? Need advice from a doctor who already knows your health history? Are you under the regular care of a single specialist? With Doctor.One you can consult your doctor directly, even outside the office. Direct contact via chat or phone always at hand!

What do other patients say about it?

"I can always consult my child's doctor. While also being away from where I live. I don't have to seek random medical care that doesn't know the medical history."

M. Prus

Patient in contact with her pediatrician at Doctor.One
A woman checks the temperature of a child who is holding a handkerchief to her nose. A message is superimposed on the image: 'Good morning Ms. Anna, I am sending a new prescription for Zosia.' and details of the prescription with the names of the medicines.

Conveniently receive recommendations and prescriptions

You no longer need to make a special appointment or teleconsultation and tell your health story to an unknown doctor to get a recommendation or prescription. All you have to do is chat with a doctor for whom you are not just another anonymous number in line.

What do other patients say about it?

"I missed the fact that the medicine I was taking had run out. After contacting my doctor, I obtained a prescription in no time and was able to continue the therapy."

P. Grabowski

Patient in contact with his internal medicine doctor at Doctor.One
A woman checks the temperature of a child who is holding a handkerchief to her nose. A message is superimposed on the image: 'Good morning Ms. Anna, I am sending a new prescription for Zosia.' and details of the prescription with the names of the medicines.
A screenshot of an app for communication between a patient and doctor Karol Witkowski. The patient sends a photo of a skin rash and asks: 'Good morning doctor. I've been having a problem with a rash like this since yesterday.

Securely upload photos and test results

In a chat with your doctor, you can conveniently upload photos, test results or recordings. All files are legally saved in your health history. Your doctor also has convenient access to them and nothing gets lost.

What do other patients say about it?

"Something bit me in the woods, I had a huge erythema and strange marks on my skin. I panicked that it was a tick. I sent a photo to my doctor. A reply came very quickly with a diagnosis that it was a mosquito, a prescription and recommendations. I was able to start treatment right away instead of waiting for an appointment at the clinic."

M. Mirowska

Patient in contact with her family medicine doctor at Doctor.One

"Excellent solution!"
Quick contact with a trusted doctor for any issue.

Maciej Orlos

Patient at Doctor.one from 2022.

"Having immediate contact with my trusted doctor has made my life much easier, even abroad!"

Robert Kozyra

Patient at Doctor.one from 2022.

"For me, the most important thing is that I have constant contact with my doctor.
I finally feel taken care of!"

Michal Kwiecinski

A patient at Doctor.one since 2023.
how much does it cost?

Communicator available to everyone - no restrictions

Free communication

The ability to contact your trusted doctor directly.
A green check or check mark, symbolizing confirmation or compliance.
Constant contact with the doctor in chat
Red 'X' sign, symbolizing an error, refusal or non-compliance.
Prescriptions and exemptions
Red 'X' sign, symbolizing an error, refusal or non-compliance.
Diagnoses and medical records



PLN per month

* Not every doctor offers free communication. Contact your doctor for details of his or her care.

Paid continuing care

The ability to contact your trusted doctor directly.
A green check or check mark, symbolizing confirmation or compliance.
Constant contact with the doctor in chat
A green check or check mark, symbolizing confirmation or compliance.
Prescriptions and exemptions
A green check or check mark, symbolizing confirmation or compliance.
Diagnoses and medical records



PLN per month

* Subscription amounts are determined by each doctor individually. Contact your doctor for details of his/her care.

This is what you ask most often

Can I have myself and my children under a doctor's care in the app?

Yes, if your doctor has made care available to you and family members.

How are my medical records and conversations with my doctor stored?

Doctor.One Poland is a medical entity registered in the national registry. As such, we are required to store your medical data and medical records in the manner prescribed by the rules of law and in accordance with the RODO (General Data Protection Regulation).

Your conversations with your doctor are only visible to you and your doctor.

I already have my doctor's phone number. Why should I use Doctor.One?

Unlike SMS, email or commercial instant messaging (i.e., Whatsapp or Messenger), Doctor.One is a medical app designed for patient and doctor convenience. When you write a message to a doctor through Doctor.One, you don't have to worry about whether your doctor has read the message, and you always know when to expect a response.

When you choose to contact your doctor through the app, you also don't worry about reminding your doctor what your health history is, because he or she always knows who is writing, and you handle all the paperwork (sending test results, prescriptions or billing) in the app.

The app also guarantees the safe storage of your medical data and protects the doctor from legal consequences he may experience when giving medical advice through informal tools.

Can I also talk to the doctor by phone or video conference?

Together with the doctor, you choose the appropriate form of contact. It can be a chat, which is the main channel for conversation, or a phone call.

The app does not allow video conferencing, as it is designed for a quick message exchange with your doctor regardless of where and when you and your doctor are.

Can I find an additional doctor on the app?

The Doctor.One app allows you to extend contact with a doctor you already know from in-person visits. Therefore, the only way to join a doctor's contacts in the app is to receive an invitation from the doctor.

no time to waste

Taking care of your health starts here

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